分论坛一 主题:东亚国家教师教育改革与发展的历史、现实与走向 时间:2019年10月19日13:30-16:10 地点:教学一楼一层教学观察室(一) Session 1 Theme:Teacher Education Reforms and Developments in East Asian Countries: History, Current Situations and the Future Time:13:30-16:10,19th, 2019(Saturday) Venue:Teaching Observation Room(1), 1st Floor,1st Building |
第一阶段 主持人:周彬 教授 华东师范大学 Phase 1, Session 1: Hosted by Zhou Bin,Professor,East China Normal University |
时间 Time |
内容 Activity |
13:30-14:45 |
报告人:岩田康之 教授 东京学艺大学 主 题:市场理论下的教师教育:基于日本2005宽松政策改革的思考 Speaker:IWATAYasuyuki, Professor, Tokyo Gakugei University Subject:TeacherEducation in Market Theory:Considering from ‘Deregulation’Policy in Japan after 2005 |
报告人:裴淼 副教授 北京师范大学 主题:面向未来成就具备文化回应意识和能力的未来教师 Speaker: Pei Miao, Associate Professor, Beijing Normal University Subject:Cultivating Forward-looking and Culturally-responsive Teachers |
报告人:李玲 讲师 伟德国际1946源于英国 主题:西部地区小学教育专业师范生从教动机研究 Speaker: Li Ling, Lecturer, Shaanxi Normal University Subject: UnderstandingProspectivePrimarySchoolTeachers'Motivation forTeaching in theNorthwest of China |
报告人:李珊 研究生北京师范大学 主 题:中日教育硕士培养模式比较研究——以北京师范大学和东京学艺大学为例 Speaker: Li Shan,Graduate Student, Beijing Normal University Subject: A Comparative Study of the Cultivating Model of Ed.M in China and Japan—A Case Study of Beijing Normal University and Tokyo Gakugei University |
分论坛一:第二阶段 主持人:布施梓 研究员 东京学艺大学 Phase 2, Session 1: Hosted byFUSE Azusa,Researcher, Tokyo Gakugei University |
时间 Time |
内容 Activity |
14:55-16:10 |
报告人:森本弘一 教授 奈良教育大学 主 题:柬埔寨师范学院基金会建立计划研究 Speaker:Morimoto Koichi, Professor,Nara University of Education Subject: The Project for Establishing Foundations for a Teacher Education College in Cambodia |
报告人:龙宝新 教授 伟德国际1946源于英国 主 题:教师教育综合化指数的内涵、构架及监测 Speaker: Long Baoxin, Professor, Shaanxi Normal University Subject: On Teacher Education Integration Index's Connotation,Framework and Monitoring |
报告人:康晓伟 副教授 首都师范大学 主 题:教师教育者的专业挑战与发展发展研究 Speaker: Kang Xiaowei,Associate Professor, Capital Normal University Subject: Exploring the Professional Challenges and Development of Teacher Educators in Chinese Higher Education Institutions |
报告人:裴丽 研究生北京师范大学 主 题:实践-引导-反思取向的师范生实践性知识学习:一项个案研究的发现 Speaker: Pei Li,Graduate Student,Beijing Normal University Subject:Practice-Facilitation-Reflection Oriented Practical Knowledge Learning for Student Teachers: A Case-study Research Finding |
分论坛二 主题:21世纪技能视野下的教师专业素养建构 时间:2019年10月19日13:30-16:10 地点:教学一楼一层教学观察室(二) Session2 Theme: Construction of Teachers' Professional Quality from the Perspective of Skills in the 21st Century Time:13:30-16:10,19th, 2019(Saturday) Venue:Teaching Observation Room(2), 1st Floor,1st Building |
第一阶段 主持人:申東勳教授 首尔国立教育大学 Phase 1, Session 2: Hosted byShin Dong Hoon,Professor,Seoul National University of Education |
时间 |
内容 |
13:30-14:45 |
报告人:敬少丽 教授 南京师范大学 主 题:女性主义视角下的教师性别意识分析与研究 Speaker: Jing Shaoli, Professor, Nanjing Normal University Subject: Analysis and Research on Teachers' Gender Consciousness Perspectives from Feminism |
报告人:张晨 研究生东京学艺大学 主 题:Society5.0时代的职业生涯教育:日本大学生的就业支持与协作网络 Speaker: Zhang Chen,Graduate Student, Tokyo Gakugei University Subject: Career Education for Society5.0:University Students' Career Support and Collaboration Network in Japan |
报告人:曾国权 讲师 北京师范大学 主 题:教改中的教师情感、权力和理解 Speaker: Kwok Kuen Tsang, Lecturer,Beijing Normal University Subject: Teachers' Emotional Experiences, Power, and Interpretation in the Context of Education Reform |
报告人:童瑶 研究生北京师范大学 主 题:台湾师资培育外部质量保障制度——基于新制度主义社会学视角的分析 Speaker: Tong Yao,Graduate Student, BeijingNormal University Subject: The Teacher Education External Quality Assurance System in Taiwan—Based on the New Institutionalist Perspective of Sociology |
分论坛二:第二阶段 主持人:刘骥教授伟德国际1946源于英国教育学院 Phase2,Session2: Hosted byLiu Ji,Professor, School of Education,Shaanxi Normal University |
时间 |
内容 |
14:55-16:10 |
报告人:宫本舞花 研究生东京学艺大学 主 题:新任教师的现状调查 Speaker:MIYAMOTOMaika,Graduate Student, Tokyo Gakugei University Subject: Investigation of New Graduate Teachers at Lower-ranked High Schools |
报告人:朱晓琳 研究生北京师范大学 主 题:21世纪技能视野下的高职院校“双师型”教师教育素养提升研究——基于某高职校的个案分析 Speaker: Zhu Xiaolin,Graduate Student, BeijingNormal University Subject: A Research on Educational Accomplishment Promotion of Double-quality Teachers in Higher Vocational Colleges under the 21st Century Skills Perspective: Based on Case Analysis of a Higher Educational College |
报告人:贺西格-温都日胡美吉克 讲师 通拉嘎乌如苏 讲师 主 题:蒙古国少年儿童焦虑研究 Speaker:Khishig-UndrakhMijgee,Lecturer; TungalagOrosoo, Lecturer, Mongolian National University of Education Subject:A study of Mongolian Teen Anxiety |
报告人:徐露羲 研究生北京师范大学 主 题:普通师范生融合教育素养培养的教材分析 Speaker: Xu Lucy,Graduate Student, BeijingNormal University Subject: An Empirical Study of Textbooks that are Suitable to Cultivate Inclusive Education Competence for Normal University Students |
分论坛三 主题:人工智能辅助教师教育的理念与实践 时间:2019年10月19日13:30-16:10 地点:教学一楼一层教学观察室(三) Session3 Theme:The Idea and Practice of Artificial Intelligence Assisted Teacher Education Time:13:30-16:10,19th, 2019(Saturday) Venue:Teaching Observation Room(3), 1st Floor,1st Building |
第一阶段 主持人:李俄宪 教授 华中师范大学 Phase 1, Session 3: Hosted by LiExian,Professor, Central China Normal University |
时间 Time |
内容 Activity |
13:30-14:45 |
报告人:寺岛幸生 副教授 鸣门教育大学 主 题:运用蝉壳消除学生对科学课上触碰昆虫恐惧心理与对昆虫生理结构误解的研究 Speaker:TERASHIMA Yukio, Associate Professor, Naruto University of Education Subject: An Attempt to Eliminate Students' Rejection to Touching Insects and Misunderstanding about the Body Structure of Insects by Using Cicada’s Shells |
报告人:彭世新 助理研究员 徐如意助理研究员华中师范大学 主 题:眼动技术辅助教师开展自闭症儿童视觉注意特点研究 Speaker: Peng Shixin,AssistantResearch; XuRuyi,AssistantResearch, Central China Normal University Subject: Study on Visual Attention Characteristics of Autistic Children Assisted by Eye Movement Technology |
报告人:谷垣徹 研究生 奈良教育大学 主 题:转变大学生灾难风险意识:基于日本2018年洪灾地区志愿活动的研究 Speaker: Tanigaki Toru, Graduate Student, Nara University of Education Subject: Transformation of University Students' Awareness of Disaster Risk -Through the Volunteer Activity at the Disaster Sites of 2018 Japan Floods- |
报告人:张翅飞 讲师 黄冈师范学院 主题:论人工智能时代教师角色内涵面临的转化 Speaker: Zhang Chifei, Lecturer, Huanggang Normal University Subject: On the Conversion of Teachers' Role Connotation in the Age of Artificial Intelligence |
分论坛三:第二阶段 主持人:郭承哲 教授 韩国公州大学 Phase2,Session3: Hosted byKWAKseung chul,Professor,KongjuNationalUniversity |
时间 |
内容 |
14:55-16:10 |
报告人:王世娟 讲师 李若池 研究生 华中师范大学 主 题:数字化资源共建共享现状调查 Speaker: Wang Shijuan, Lecturer; Li Ruochi,Graduate Student, Central China Normal University Subject: Survey on the Status Quo of Digital Resources Co-construction and Sharing |
报告人:张雪雁研究生东京学艺大学 主 题:针对日本学习者的拼音学习软件的概念设计 Speaker: Zhang Xueyan, Graduate Student, Tokyo Gakugei University Subject: Conceptual Design of Pinyin Learning Software for Japanese Learner |
报告人:岳涛 讲师 黄冈师范学院 主 题:角色与权力:人工智能辅助教师教育的尺度与边界 Speaker: Yue Tao, Lecturer, Huanggang Normal University Subject: Role and Power: The Scale and Boundary of AI-assisted Teacher Education |
报告人:毕钰 研究生东京学艺大学 主 题:学习中文和中国文化的VR软件开发和研究 Speaker: Bi Yu,Graduate Student, Tokyo Gakugei University Subject: Learning and Researching VR Software for Chinese and Chinese Culture |
海报发表 时间:2019年10月19日13:30-16:10 地点:教学一楼一层大厅 Poster Presentation Time:13:30-16:10,19th, 2019(Saturday) Venue:Hall,1st Floor,1st Building |
13:30-16:10 |
报告人:林尚示 副教授 布施梓 研究员 元笑予 研究员 下岛泰子 研究员 东京学艺大学 主 题:日本小学课堂活动中培养的变革能力:对OECD 2030年指南针的分析 Speaker: HAYASHI Masami, Associate Professor; FUSE Azusa, Researcher; YUAN Xiaoyu, Researcher; SHIMOJIMA Yasuko, Researcher, Tokyo Gakugei University Subject:Transformative Competencies to be Nurtured in Japanese Elementary School Classroom Activities: Analysis by the OECD Learning Compass 2030 |
报告人:翁川千里 副教授 押尾恵吾 副教授 东京学艺大学 主 题:日本的初中课堂所培养的能动性——专注于家庭课与数学课 Speaker: Chisato OIKAWA, Specially AppointedAssistant Professor; Keigo OSHIO, Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, Tokyo Gakugei University Subject: Agency to be Fostered in Japanese Junior High School: Focused on Home Economics and Mathematics |
第十四届东亚教师教育国际研讨会校长会议 时间:2019年10月19日13:10-16:10 地点:教学一楼三层303 ICUE Presidents’Meeting Time:13:30-16:10,19th, 2019(Saturday) Venue:Room 303,1st Floor,1st Building |