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发布时间:2019-12-11 浏览:

讲座人:Yuko Goto Butler

主持人:刘全国 教授




Title: Early English Learning and Socio-economic Disparities

Lecturer: Professor Butler

Host: Professor Quanguo Liu

Time: 2:30-4:30pm, Dec 13, Friday, 2019

Venue: Yanta, 8407

Hosted by: School of International Studies




小学生刚开始学习英语时,普遍对英语充满好奇。高年级后,有些孩子兴趣开始越来越弱。到初中,学生之间英语水平和学习动机的差异就已经非常大了。这种差异是如何形成的,到底在几年级开始形成?美国宾夕法尼亚大学教授Yuko Butler在江苏常州对四年级,六年级,八年级,共572名学生进行综合调查后,给出了她的答案。她认为学生父母的社会经济背景对学生英语学习有深刻影响。在讲座后期,她也给出相应的教育启示。

About the Lecture::

In East Asia, there has been growing concern regarding socio-economic disparities and widening gaps in access to English-as-a-foreign language (EFL) education within and outside of the formal schooling starting from a very early stage of the EFL learning. Despite such concern, the research in second/foreign language acquisition has not yet paid sufficient attention to socio-economic factors and their impact on learners’ language learning. Therefore, the present talk focuses on young learners’ socio-economic status (SES) and its influence on their motivation and English learning. This talk focuses on a case in an Eastern Costal city in mainland China. Presenting both quantitative and qualitative data from a cross-sectional component of a larger longitudinal project (198 fourth-, 191 sixth-, and 183 eighth-graders and their parents were participated in the study), the study addresses complex relationships among various factors associated with the young learners’ SES and their English learning across grade levels. Implications for practice will also be discussed.