讲座题目:恒元物理学讲座(第091期):Nontrivial Light Dynamics Based on Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in Rydberg Atoms
讲座人:吴金辉 教授
地点:长安校区 物理学与信息技术学院六层学术报告厅(致知楼3623-3624)
讲座内容:Rydbergatoms have attracted extensive attentions in recent years due to exaggeratedproperties like long lifetimes and strong interactions. They are shown intheory and experiment to promise a versatile platform for quantum informationprocessing and quantum many-body simulation. We first review a few importantadvances on exotic interaction dynamics of single-photon pulses and gatestrategies based on single-photon storage in cold Rydberg atoms. We thenintroduce two of our recent works by developing different approaches tosimulate the propagation dynamics of single-photon or multi-photon pulses incold Rydberg atoms under the EIT configuration. In one work, we show someunexpected results of single-photon interaction lacked in previous works wheremore approximations are used to overcome the complexity in many-body systems.In the other work, we show the nonlinear storage and retrieval of amulti-photon pulse to well recover relevant results in a recent experiment withadditional nontrivial findings clarified.