地点:长安校区 文津楼数学与信息科学学院学术报告厅
讲座题目1:Orthogonal Polynomials and Asymptotic Methods
报告人:王世全 院士
Orthogonal Polynomials is an important classical subject in mathematics, physics and engineering. One of the research topics in this area is to investigate the behaviours of these polynomials as their degree tends to infinity. In this talk, I will first recall some discrete and neo-classical orthogonal polynomials. Then I will briefly describe various asymptotic methods in differential equations that are available for applications. Finally, I will present a recent development in the asymptotic theory for second-order difference equations. The importance of this development is that orthogonal polynomials may not satisfy any differential equations, but they all satisfy a three-term recurrence relation, which is a second-order difference equation.
王世全院士,著名数学家,香港城市大学刘壁如数学研究中心主任。1982年获得Killam Research Fellowship,该奖项是加拿大议会授予研究工作者最杰出奖项之一; 1993年被选为加拿大皇家科学院院士;2001年被选为意大利都灵科学院外籍院士;2004年获法国政府颁授法国国家荣誉军团勋章;2007年获选为欧洲科学院院士。
王世全教授于2006年至2016年任香港城市大学副校长,曾任加拿大应用数学协会主席,加拿大数学学会主席及香港数学学会主席,出任18本期刊的编委。2000年他创办数学期刊《Analysis and Applications》。
王世全教授的主要研究领域是渐进分析和特殊函数等数学领域,他在这些领域做出了一系列原创性的贡献。迄今他已经在国际期刊发表了近200篇文章并出版了多本学术专著。他的专著《Asymptotic Approximation of Integral》于1989年出版,2001年重印。该书广为应用数学、统计学及工程学学者及研究员使用,成为研究渐进分析的重要参考文献。
讲座题目2:Asymptotic analysis of differential equations with applications in mathematical biology
报告人:汪翔升 教授
In the study of biological models, functional analysis and dynamical system approach enable us to obtain qualitative information of the model systems. Moreover, numerical techniques help us interpret the solutions quantitatively. However, there are some limitations on abstract analysis and numerical analysis. In this talk, we will illustrate how to go beyond these limits via asymptotic methods. Especially, we will conduct asymptotic analysis on an ion channel model which couples an elliptic equation with several parabolic equations, and on an avian influenza model which is characterized by a periodic system with time delays. We will find an asymptotic solution for the first model system and approximate the dynamic threshold for the second one.
汪翔升教授于2009年获得香港城市大学博士学位;2009-2013年先后在香港城市大学,加拿大York大学、Memorial University of Newfoundland大学从事博士后研究工作,现在任职于美国University of Louisiana 大学,主要研究渐进分析、微分动力系统、生物数学和计算数学。迄今为止已在SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization、Journal of Differential Equations、Physics Review E、 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations、Journal of Theoretical Biology、Statistica Sinica等国际期刊上发表学术论文三十余篇。